Gianluca Redaelli
Area: 04 - Earth sciences
Academic Recruitment Field:04/A4 - Geophysics
Academic Discipline: GEO/12 - Oceanography and physics of the atmosphere

Room 0036 - Building "Renato Ricamo"

+39 0862 433054

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The research activity centers on numerical modeling of chemical and dynamical processes in the atmosphere. In particular, research has focused on developing and using global models of the stratosphere based on lagrangian approaches, and three-dimensional atmospheric chemical-transport models (CTMs) containing a detailed description of the chemical processes of the stratosphere. These models are used to interpret data from field campaigns and satellite instruments, and to study and understand specific properties of Earth's atmosphere. General Circulation Models are also used to study the impact on global climate of the trend in oceanic surface temperatures, and Regional Climate Models to investigate regional impact of climate change and produce seasonal forecasts.


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